Welcome to the Stroller Friendly City blog! Here, you will find reviews of restaurants in the Victoria downtown area, rated relative to their stroller access, as well as their food, service, and overall baby-friendliness. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wall of Shame has Two More Entries!

Today, we have two more restaurants to add to the WALL OF SHAME -- Devour and Chef Suzi.

I take little joy in this designation, as they both look like good restaurants. However, due to stairs, narrow entryways, sharp turns and tight spaces, these places are simply impossible to access by stroller. Sorry guys!


  1. really? This is a blog.. talk about first world problems. Suck it up kiddo.

  2. to some people it's important! LIKE ME! Those who have babies and like to take them out rather than leave them at home all the time, find it important to know where to go to have a good time and experience eating out with the baby!

  3. How about you leave the stroller outside, like they do in Europe?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Thanks, reader! :-)

    It`s always fascinating, those who tear down blogs like this because it has `first world problems`... Shouldnt that person be too busy doing something important like building houses for Habitat for Humanity to be trolling blogs?

    As for leaving the strollers outside, that is a good question. When I have my stroller, I`m usually mid-errands... meaning, it`s stocked up with various items of value. So unless I want to unload the damned thing while managing a baby with a finite window of happy mood, it`s much easier for everyone to bring the whole stroller with me. Good point, though! :-)
